Research Publications (National / International)
Collaborative Research Work With
S.No. |
Name of the Collaborator |
Institute |
Collaboration Details |
Collaboration Output
Research/Online) |
1 |
Prof. Dr. SaeidJafari |
Department of Mathematics, College of vestsjaelland, South Herrestraede 11,4200 Slagelse, DENMARK |
Co-author |
Papers -23 |
2 |
Prof.Dr.Ivan Reilly |
Dept of Mathematics, University of Auckland, NEWZELAND |
Co-author |
Papers – 1 |
3 |
Prof. Dr. T.Noiri |
Shiokita-cho, Hinagu,
Yatsushiroshi,Kumamotoken, 869-5142, JAPAN |
Co-author |
Papers – 4 |
4 |
Prof. Dr.Miguel Caldas |
Departments de Mathematica
Applicada and Math’s, Postgraduation of Universidele,Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niteroi,Riode,Janeiro,BRAZIL |
Co-author |
Papers – 4 |
5 |
Prof. Dr. M.E. Abd El-Monsef |
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science,TantaUniversity,Tanta 31527, EGYPT. |
Co-author |
Papers – 3 |
6 |
Prof. Dr. Zbigniew Duszynski |
Institute of Mathematics, The great University,Pl. Weyssenhoffa ii, 85 – 072, Bydgoszcz, POLAND. |
Co-author |
Papers – 3 |
7 |
Prof. Dr. ErdalEkici |
Department of Mathematics,
CanakkaleOnsekiz Mart University, Terzioglu Campus,
17020,Canakkale,TURKEY |
Co-author |
Papers – 9 |
8 |
Prof.Dr.H.Maki |
Wakagidai 2-10-13
Fukutsu-shi, Fukuoka-ken
811-3221, Japan |
Co-author |
Papers – 2 |
9 |
Prof.E.Hatir |
Department of Mathematics & Education, Selcuk University, 42090, Meran, Konya, TURKEY |
Co-author |
Papers – 3 |
10 |
Prof.Dr.Paul Manual |
Department of Mathematics, Kuwait University, Kuwait |
Co-author |
Papers – 2 |
11 |
Saad Fawzi Al-Azzawi |
Department of Mathematics & College of Computer Sciences and Mathematics, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq |
Co-author |
Papers – 2 |
Courses / Seminars and Workshop Participated
- “Symposium on Recent Advances in General Topology” held at New Delhi from 22-03-1987 to 25-03-1987 conducted by Dept. of Mathematics, Delhi University, New Delhi.
- “Ramanujam Centenary Symposium in Mathematics”, held at Madurai from 05-10-1988 to 09-10-1988 conducted by Dept. of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.
- “A course on Research Methodology for college Teachers”, held at Kodaikanal from 14-05-1994 to 19-05-1994 conducted by All India Association for Christian Higher Education (AIACHE).
- “UGC – Question Bank Workshop in Mathematics, Phase-I”, held at Holy Cross College, Trichy from 24-10-1996 to 26-10-1996 conducted by University Grants Commission, Hyderabad.
- Seminar on “Education for 2000”, held at Madurai from 04-01-1999 to 05-01-1999 conducted by Arul Anandar College, Karumathur.
- “UGC – Question Bank workshop in Mathematics, Phase-II”, held at Loyola College, Chennai from 10-02-1999 to 13-02-1999 conducted by University Grants Commission, Hyderabad.
- Seminar on “Collaborative Research in Science”, held at St. Joseph’s College, Trichy on 26-01-2000 conducted by Tamil Nadu Jesuits Science Forum.
- Seminar on “Quality in Higher Education for the New Millennium”, held at Arul Anandar College, Madurai from 20-01-2000 to 21-01-2000 conducted by Xavier Board of Higher Education.
- Workshop on “MAJHEL Lecturers Meet”, held at Chennai from 24-06-2000 to 25-06-2000 conducted by Madurai Jesuit Higher Education Commission.
- UGC – Orientation Course, held at Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai from 23-01-2002 to 19-02-2002 conducted by Staff Academic College, Madurai Kamaraj University.
- UGC – Refresher course, held at Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai from 3-2-2004 to 23-2 -2004 conducted by staff academic college, MKU.
- GC sponsored National conference on “Recent Trends in Understanding and Applying the Theory and Practice of Values”, held at Jeyaraj Annapackiyam College for Women, Periyakulam from 11.01.2007 to 12.01.2007.
- International Conference on “Mathematics & Computer Science”, held at Loyola College, Chennai from 01.03.2007 to 03.03.2007.
- UGC – Refresher course, held at Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai from 20-02-2008 to 11-03-2008 conducted by staff academic college, MKU.
- International Conference on “Mathematics & Computer Science”, held at Loyola College, Chennai from 05.01.2009 to 06.01.2009.
- National Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Science and Technology, held at Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur from 12.03.2009 to 13.03.2009.
- National Seminar on “New Vistas in Today’s Mathematics”, held at Fatima College, Madurai from 16.12.2008 to 13.03.2009.
- National Seminar on “Recent Developments in Pure and Applied Mathematics”, held at S.R.N. College, Sattur, from 22.07.2008 to 23.07.2008.
- 19.National Conference on “Internal Quality Assurance Systems and Curriculum Development”, held at AAC, Karumathur, from 29.01.2009 to 30.01.2009.
- International Conference on “Mathematics and Computer Sciences” held at Loyola College, Chennai from 05.02.2010 to 06.02.2010.
- International Conference on “Topology and its applications” held at SS Cyril Methodius University, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia from 02.09.2012 to 08.09.2012.
- International Conference on “e-Service and e-System” held at Kuwait University, Kuwait from 18.12.2012 to 20.12.2012
- International Conference on Topology and Geometry held at Shimane University, Matsue, Japan from 02.09.13 to 06.09.13
- International Conference on Mathematical Science and its Applications held at Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi from 29.11.2013 to 01.12.2013.
- International Conference on Mathematical Sciences held at Pattaya City, Thailand from 15.09.2014 to 19.09.2014
- 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Applications in Engineering 2014 held at International Islamic University, Malaysia form 23.09.2014 to 25.09.2014.
- International Conference on Computing Science and Engineering 2015 held at Kuwait University, Kuwait from 15.03.2015 to 17.03.2015.
- International Conference IMRF World Research Congress Thailand held at Pattaya City, Thailand from 25.05.2015 to 26.05.2015.
- International Conference on Topology, Messina (ICTM 2015) held at University of Messina, Messina, Italy from 07.09.2015 to 11.09.2015.
- 31st Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications held at University of Leicester, Leicester, England from 02.08.2016 to 05.08.2016
- International Science Congress Thailand 2017, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand from 02.10.2017 to 06.10.2017.
- International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences Thailand 2019, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand from 27.05.2019 to 30.05.2019.
- International Conference on Emerging Trends in Multidisciplinary Research , Singapore from 27.12.2017 to 29.12.2017.
- 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Applied Sciences (ICMMAS’19)” held at Belgorod State University, Belgorod, RUSSIA from 20.08.2019 to 24.08.2019.
- International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Computers & Physical Sciences Cambodia held at Build Bright University (Siem Reap Campus), Cambodia from 13.12.2019 to 14.12.2019.
- International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, Saion University, Ho Chi Minch, Vietnam from 15.12.2022 to 16.12.2022
- International Conference on Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Horizon University, Colombo, Sri Lanka form 20.04.2023 to 21.04.2023
- International Conference on Physis and Mathematical Sciences, Rangsit University, Bangkok, Thailand from 23.02.2023 to 24.02.2023
- International Conference on Advances in Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Dhurakij Pundit University, Bangkok, Thailand from 30.01.2024 to 31.01.2024
- International Conference on Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, University College of Construction Technology, Battaramulla, Sr Lanka from 15.03.2024 to 16.03.2024
Seminars Organized
- Inter collegiate seminar on “Employment Opportunities in Computers”, held at Arul Anandar College, Karumathur from 27.01.1999 to 29.01.1999 sponsored by AIACHE, New Delhi.
- Refresher course on “Mathematics for School Teachers”, held at Arul Anandar College, Karumathur from 24.02.2000 to 25.02.2000 sponsored by AIACHE, New Delhi.
- “MATAAC, Inter Collegiate Mathematical Competitions”, held at Arul Anandar College, Karumathur sponsored by AAC, Karumathur, Many times.
- Intercollegiate seminar on “Emerging career Vistas for Mathematicians” held at Arul Anandar College, Karumathur on 5.2.2002 sponsored by UGC.
- Refresher Course on “Mathematics for School Teachers’ held at Arul Anandar College, Karumathur from 23.08.2005 to 25.08.2005 sponsored by TNSCST, Chennai & NCSTC, New Delhi.
- State Level Inter Collegiate Cadets Seminar on “Personality Development and Character Formation Through NCC” held at Arul Anandar College, Karumathur on 27.03.07.
- National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Modern Topology”, held at Arul Anandar College, Karumathur, on 23.02.2011.
- National Seminar on “Application of Modern Topology” held at School of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai on 24.01.2012.
- UGC – Refresher Course in Mathematics on Advanced Analysis and its Applications held at School of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai 07.02.2012 to 27.02.2012.
- UGC – Refresher Course in Mathematics on Advances in Algebra and analysis held at School of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai 07.11.2013 to 27.11.2013.
- International Conference on Mathematical Sciences -2014 held at School of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai from 21.08.2014 to 23.08.2014.
- International Conference on Mathematical Sciences-2015 held at Department of Mathematics, University of Kerala, Kerala from 26.11.2015 to 28.12.2015.
- National Conference on Ramanujan’s Contributions and Recent Trends in Mathematics held at School of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University from 21.12.2015 to 23.12.2015.
- International Conference on Mathematics, Physics and Allied Sciences held at Department of Mathematics, Carmel College for Women, Goa from 03.03.2016 to 05.03.2016.
- Workshop on “Quality Enhancement in Mathematics” held at School of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai on 02.09.2016
- International Conference on Mathematics & Computer Science 2016, held at Department of Mathematics, Nirmala College for Women, Coimbatore from 15.12.2016 to 17.12.2016.
- International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science 2017 held at Department of Mathematics, JyothiNivas College, Bangalore from16.02.2017 to 18.02.2017.
- International Conference on Mathematics 2017 held at Department of Mathematics, Providence College for Women, Coonoor from 04.08.2017 to 05.08.2017.
- International Conference on Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics-2018 (ICAPAM 2018) held at School of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai from 06.09.2018 to 08.09.2018.
- UGC-HRDC -Refresher Course on Emerging Trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics held at School of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai 16.11.2018 to 06.12.2018.
Editor of Book / Research Journal
- Book – Ramanujan’s Contributions: A Technical Report,StuderaPress- New Delhi 2016. ISBN No. 978-93-85883-00-2
- Research Journal – Mathematical Sciences – International Research Journal (Biannual), IMRF Publishing House, A.P. Vo.3, Issue 2 (2014). ISSN No. 2278-8697, ISBN No : 978-93-84124-14-4
- Research Journal – Mathematical Sciences – International Research Journal (Biannual), IMRF Publishing House, A.P. Vo.4, Issue 2 (2015). ISSN No. 2278-8697, ISBN No : 978-93-84124-53-3
- Proceedings- International Conference on Mathematical Scineces-2014, Madurai Kamaraj University. ISBN No : 978-93-84124-13-7
- Proceedings- International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference Thailand 2015. ISBN No : 978-93-84124-48-9
- Proceedings- International Conference on Mathematics 2015, University of Kerala, ISBN No : 978-93-84124-52-6
- Proceedings- National Conference on Ramanujan’s Contributions and Recent Trends in Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, 2015
- Proceedings – International Conference on Mathematics, Physics and Allied Sciences 2016, Carmel College for Women, Goa. ISBN No : 978-93-84124-60-1
- Research Journal – Mathematical Sciences – International Research Journal, IMRF Publishing House, A.P. Vo.5, Special Issue (2016). ISSN No. 2278-8697, ISBN No : 978-93-84124-63-2
- Research Journal – Mathematical Sciences – International Research Journal, IMRF Publishing House, A.P. Vo.5, Issue 1 (2016). ISSN No. 2278-8697, ISBN No : 978-93-84124-61-8
- Research Journal – Mathematical Sciences – International Research Journal, IMRF Publishing House, A.P. Vo.5, Issue 1 (2016). ISSN No. 2278-8697, ISBN No : 978-93-84124-63-3
- Research Journal – Mathematical Sciences – International Research Journal, IMRF Publishing House, A.P. Vo.5, Issue 2 (2016). ISSN No : 2278-8697.ISBN No : 978-93-84124-93-9.
- Proceedings-International Conference on Mathematics & Computer Science 2016, Nirmala College for Women, Coimbatore, ISBN No : 978-93-84124-92-2
- Proceedings– International Conference on Mathematics 2017, Providence College for Women, Coonoor, ISBN No. 978-93-86435-13-2
- Research Journal – Mathematical Sciences- International Research Journal, IMRF publishing house, A.P. Vol.6, Issue 2 (2017), ISBN No. 2278-8697.
- Research Journal-Advances in Mathematical Sciences, IMRF International Publications, ISBN No. 978-93-86435-14-9
- Edited Volume-Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics, IMRF International Publications ISBN No : 978-93-86435-54-5.
- Research Journal-Mathematical Sciences- International Research Journal, IMRF publishing house, A.P. Vol.6, Spl Issue 1 (2018) ISSN No :2278-8697
- Proceeding-International Conference on Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics 2018, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, ISBN No :978-93-86435-53-8.
- Proceeding of the International Conference on Mathematical Advance and Applications 2020, ISBN No :978-93-90146-01-7
- Research Journal Mathematical and Computational Intelligence to Socio-Scientific Analytics and Applications, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 518, ISBN: 978-981-19-5181-7, (Springer)
Book Chapter / Author of Book
- “Quicker Mathematics”, Published by Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal (2018), ISBN No.: 81-86520-60-0.
- “Mathematics Diverse Concepts and Applications”, (Chapter 15, On New Structure of N-Topology) Published by The English Press, 5 Penn Plaza, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10001, USA (2017), ISBN No: 978-1-9789-2669-1
- Control of Dynamic Systems, ISBN: 978-93-91860-10-3, Veda Publications, AP (2022)
- Coding Dimensions and the Power of Finite Element, Volume and Difference Methods, Fundamentals of Numerical, Page 67-91. (IGI-Global) -Book Chapter – 3